Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas is Here!

I love Christmas! Last night Jay and I decorated my house, put up the tree, took out the Nativity set, and listened to Christmas music! YEAH!! He would have waited but we made a deal that Christmas could begin on Dec. 1, I even waited 2 days! Last year was the first year I set up a Christmas tree at my house, it was special to do it with Jay, and now we can do it every year together!

Some of the best memories from my childhood come from Christmas time: Family Christmases at Blue Lake, and in Banff, special Christmas mornings when Joel and I woke my parents up insanely early, my dad singing O Holy Night… the memories are endless. Ironically the worst memories of my childhood also come from this time of year: Dad’s diagnosis, the Christmas we spent in the hotel when dad was having his treatment. In the end Christmas is still one of my favourite times of the year… the tree, the smells, the peeking at presents, and of course the reason for the season, the birth of Jesus! AHHHH I love it!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Another Post

When I was in grade 11 my biology teacher talked about Bio 20 and 30 being like a train, it pushed and pulled you forward and it wan in your best interests not to jump off. If you did it would be hard to get back on. Really he was trying to tell us not to slack, skip class, or take it lightly. Right now my train is moving really fast! There seems to be a tone of stuff to do, and not enough time to do it.

Report cards are done, and that is a relief! If I could not do one thing in my job it would certainly be Report Cards. It is so difficult to give marks you know are going to disappoint people. Overall they went okay though.

Now it is on to Christmas. I have assigned parts and am starting practices for the Christmas play (Come join us Dec. 20th at 7:30). Soon it will be practice, practice, and more practice at school. Fun times, and yet it takes a lot of time to find things for everyone to do.

I am starting my Christmas shopping next weekend. Yes, I haven’t even started yet! Luckily I only have my students, Jay, and my family to buy for (and maybe a couple of more). My hope it to get it all done on Friday and Saturday. I am looking forward to enjoying tie with friends over the weekend too. It seems like forever since we saw our Winnipeg friends so that will be enjoyable.

Okay there is a quick update.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

PINK, PINK and more PINK!!

I really want this to work so let's give it another shot!
There are the pinks! We have picked one but would love to hear your opinion!


This is my final attempt!
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Monday, November 19, 2007

PINK, PINK and more PINK!

Let's see if this works! Here are the pinks from the last post!


The Days Fly By!

It seems that life is flying by… it must have to do with the crazy to do list that I have. It seems when my list is long time goes by so quickly, and when it is short it drags. This past week was report card week, which is always busy. With finishing report cards, and parent teacher interviews plus the normal teaching stuff this was a busy work week. I also had the privilege of driving for a youth event, and leading College and Career. Today I finally tackled my house cleaning, and made some pizza bread. I am at home alone (sometimes I am not sure if I see Jay more or less now that he lives here! J ) and thinking I should be doing something productive… another chance to procrastinate!

Last weekend we had the parents meet the parent’s night. Seeing as Jay’s parents and my parents have never met we figured the sooner the better. As we suspected it was tease Sarah and Jay night. Although it wasn’t quite as bad as I thought it might be! Although no wedding planning happened, except of course adding to the guest list!

Okay so here is a little poll for all of you. Our wedding colours are pink and black (girly I know). We are discussing the shade of pink at the moment and not having perfect agreement. Here are the three shades of pink:



Each has a number so vote by number! I know the pictures aren’t great but it’s what I have at this point!

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

All Is Well That Ends Well!

I am so glad this week has ended on a positive note. During the week there were many tears, phone calls, and emotional moments... all over a dress! I know it is only a dress and really I am so thankful that I am in the position of wedding dress shopping. Officially now I have MY wedding dress and am so happy with it I could dance! I love it and can't wait to really wear it. Oh and here is a plug for a great dress shop! Teresa's Bridal has been amazing this week! A place with great customer service, and great dresses! Plus these women have amazing suggestions and have gotten me to fall in love with two dresses, and put a smile back on my face!
I now feel like we are well on the way to having this wedding, things are booked, menus are in, dress is bought, I found bridesmaid dresses that I like, my mom found a great dress.... It feels good to be checking things off the list. Sometimes I feel like this wedding is taking over my life, but as of tomorrow morning that is coming to a complete halt! Report Cards are my new focus, they must get done, and soon (I am hoping Wednesday!).
This week was a little interesting as I tried to keep a secret from my mom. Yesterday was her 50th birthday and dad decided to put on a surprise party. Mom has said over and over again that she didn't want a party, but we just didn't listen! We flew Joel home for the weekend (better present for mom or Ashley we don't really know), had her sister and some friends come in from Vermillion Bay, and had other friends and family from around here. So much fun to keep it from her for the last month or so! I think she really was surprised! AHHHHH so good not to have to worry about what I say or type (there were many times I almost blew the surprise while on facebook!)!

Loving today, I get an extra hour of sleep, don't forget to turn your clocks back!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wedding, Wedding, Wedding!

Yup, I get engaged and that is the biggest thing on my mind! The craziness has died down; the planning has begun. After a week of stress the tide has turned and we have booked a reception venue! Jay and I will be getting married July 19th, 2008! I am so excited! The To-Do list is a mile long but slowly we will get things taken care of… next on the list is nail down a church, find a photographer, and florist and of course BUY THE DRESS! This last part is the part I am looking forward to the most. On Saturday mom and I will take our first stab at it!

On that note my parents make me laugh. I was never sure of how involved they would want to be in wedding planning. They have shocked me a little. Dad has browsed bridal store windows and “found” a dress he thinks I should wear… ummm it has purple on it so I think it won’t work… mom is excited about dress shopping and every once and a while I get phone calls that mention how they were talking about things and what they think we should do. It’s fun to plan this with them. Next week we will be having a wedding planning session with both sets of parents… I can only imagine that between my dad and Jay’s dad there will be plenty of teasing. Ahhh the blending of families!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My “Male Token Place Holder” Asks Me To Be His Wife!

Of course I said YES!

Many of you know the story, some of you do not, so for you here is the story:

Last October (‘06) I was set up on a date (not quite blind, but a set-up none the less). I knew Jay (from Camp) and needed a date (or as I like to say a “male token place holder”) for a dinner theatre with my parents, brother and his date. We were set up by my friend and her mom (who happens to be the mom of one of my students), and although I made a fool of myself that night, we pursued the thought of a relationship. From there the rest is history as they say. Jay lived in Winnipeg and so we did the long distance thing for nine and a half months. We saw each other most weekends, and had many phone calls back and forth. At the end of August Jay moved to Mennville and took a job in Riverton. In the last couple of months it has been nice to see each other in “real life” and not just in moments set aside for one another.

On Monday Oct. 15 Jay showed up at my house as I was getting ready for work and started cooking breakfast. It was his birthday and I was a little thrown by him being there. He then told me that he wasn’t there just to cook breakfast but also there to get his birthday present, I began protesting (he has wanted it for a couple of weeks) when he dropped to one knee and asked me to marry him! I have no idea what I said, but I do know that I ended up with a ring on my finger, so I must have said YES! Really the rest of the day was a little blurry, I just wanted to get home!

I fell in love with Jay early in our relationship, marrying him is just the next step in the journey! Although no date has been set we are thinking of a July wedding.

I know this picture is blury, but it is the best I have!
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Friday, October 12, 2007


It’s 11pm, and I just finished marking science, a couple of book reports ad some writing assessments. Tonight I had my “I have a ton to do and not enough time to do it” freak out. This usually happens at least every couple of months. Right now my list seems endless, my time limited… I guess that is how life goes. These freak-outs usually bring great things, I know it sounds weird but I get more done is stressed mode then I do in less busy times. I always blame it on adrenaline, but it probably also has to do with fear. It has been this way for as long as I remember. In my world there are other benefits of being crazy busy, I usually can predict when I will get sick (often the third day of Christmas break), and I don’t get sick during the craziness. So tonight my freak out ended in a plan: I am going to get extensions on my courses, spend a couple of hours twice a week working on them, write report cards on the last weekend of October, spend two hours more a week at work, make a list and post it so I can see progress and ask people around me for help. It means giving up some time with Jay, getting less sleep, and getting home later. I hate it when I have to give up things I like for things I don’t; but in the end my sanity is worth it!

Monday, October 8, 2007


It is Thanksgiving weekend, and really I love this time of year! I love Thanksgiving because I am reminded how much I have to be thankful for. It's funny how we need a holiday to remind us of all the good things in life. Here is a short list of thinngs and people I am thankful for: My family, Jay, my friends (who I don't see enough but love me anyways), my job (which is amazing), the great community where I live, the fact that I can worship God at home, at church, and at work without any fear of persecution. Oh the list could go on and on!
This weekend Jay and I spent time with both of our families. On Friday we went to Blakes (Jay's littlest brother) hockey game and then header to McGregor until Sunday afternoon. We don't see enough of Jay's family so it was good to visit with them for a couple of days (plus we ate REALLY well). Yesterday we joined the Hayward family at my paren't house. This was the first holiday without Grandpa so it was good to get together. Almost everyone was here so that was good. Today (if Jay ever wakes up) we will head back to Mennville and get back to the grind. These next couple of weeks are a little crazy. Jay has a ton of stuff going on and I have to work on courses (I can see an extension in my future), and think about report cards soon. Time is just flying by! Well as lame as it is that's the update!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Procrastination At Its’ Finest!

Yuppers I am in the process of procrastinating! Write now I should be writing a paper for English 307, but nope I am reading blogs, on facebook and have now resorted to updating my blog. All this after I kicked Jay out of my house so I could work (sorry J ). In my defence I am half way (or a little more) finished my paper and have hit a snag and need time to think! You see procrastination brings blog updates, so it isn’t all bad.
Life is settling into routine (which I love) and becoming normal after the crazy summer that was. Looking back the two months I had off are a blur and September has brought normalcy to my life (at least for the most part). Maybe this is because work becomes a rhythm, one day to the next (with little hiccups in between). I am enjoying work, something that was fading at the end of last year. Teachers really do need a break come June, it saves our sanity! Being back though has been really good, and I am remembering the joy of teaching.
I am finding balance in life lately (it will end soon). Although I have been busy and such with routine brings some semblance of balance. I actually see Jay almost every night, a change that hasn’t been too difficult to adjust to J. It’s nice to actually have conversations face to face at the end of the day. Plus he cooks dinner sometimes so that’s a bonus too! It is great to have him part of my everyday life, and not just in my weekend life! We cleaned his apartment last weekend so he really lives in Mennville now; all the loose ends in the city are tied up! Which means no more crazy weekend trips there at least for a couple of weeks. A weekend at home begins tomorrow and I have no plans to drive anywhere!
I have been thinking about two years ago, when I first moved to Mennville. I was lonely, and often “bored”. I craved relationships, and a sense of community. How things change! Life is busy, but really I like it that way! Last weekend I was lucky enough to hang out with Sherri! It had been awhile since we hung out, just the two of us!
Okay as random as that post was, at least it existed! It is now off to bed, with only half my paper done. Oppps!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day!

Yuppers I am back to work! I forgot what a day in the trenches feels like, oh but I remember now! I forgot how much energy teaching takes, as a teacher I am always "on", there are no down moments, there is no time to chatch my breath! This morning I was blessed with a new student. Yes, there was a moment of panic, but it is such a good thing to have a new student at the school and in my class! Other than that the day was pretty uneventful, that is what you get when you have the same teacher, with the same students, in the same classroom… it seems like June was just yesterday and it won’t take much time to get back into the swing of things, and the new things won’t take long to adjust to the changes that I have made.
I am also slowly getting into routine, which makes me happy! I love the sense of normalcy that routine brings. I seem to get WAY more done in life and in work when my life is full but organized. It seems the more I try to squeeze into my life the more gets done… why is that??

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The End of the Summer

This weekend marked the end of my summer vacation! It was a good and busy weekend, a good end to a crazy summer. It started Friday with a bouquet of pretty flowers, which Jay gave me. They are very pretty! We then spent some time with Friends out at Hecla on Friday and Saturday. Paul and Ashley are leaving for Australia next week so a game of golf was apparently needed. Trina and I drove the carts as the other four golfed. After lunch Jay and I were off to the cottage to enjoy possibly our last ever weekend there. After watching 18 holes of golf I thought maybe I wanted to try it. Dad was excited and booked a tee time! So after the boys golfed in the morning the four of us golfed in the afternoon on Sunday. I sucked but it was kind of fun and I would even be willing to try it again! On Monday morning the guys went golfing AGAIN! While mom and I enjoyed a late sleep in! It was wonderful!It was back to work today, but with no students, they start tomorrow. I am actually pretty excited to get back to work. I really do love my job and I love my school and my kids. It has been a rather long summer and I am well rested and more organized than I have ever been in September. I have some exciting topics to teach, and therefore my job becomes more interesting. So really I am pretty excited about tomorrow! I always treat September like a new year and make “New Year’s” resolutions as I begin a new year in my world. This year my goal is to stay more organized. I have gotten to a good start, but we will see what happens as the year gets into full swing!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Quality Time With Dad and Other Random Things!

This past weekend I got to spend so time with dad, I say quality, our backs may say differently! You see the boast broke down two weeks ago, so this was the weekend to get it to the shop. Attempt One began on Saturday morning, the wind was fairly strong but dad was sure we could tow the big boat with the small boat. After me jumping into the water in my jeans to stop the boat from blowing into our neighbours boat we were off. Things were looking good, the little boat was chugging along, and the big boat was following beautifully. Until…. The little motor died! So here we are in the middle of the lake, with two boats, both of which don’t work. Dad tried and tried but the little motor wouldn’t start. The wind was strong and not helping things as it was blowing us away from home and away from the boat launch! We didn’t even have the keys to the big boat so we couldn’t even try to start it! With dad’s whistling and me looking like ridiculous as I waved a paddle above my head we caught a man’s attention and he rescued us, towing us back to our dock. In the end it was about 2 hours on the water and no closer to having the boat to the shop. Sunday was attempt number two, we had another plan, and so the adventure began. Dad got the big boat started and we were hoping that it would work for the ten minutes we needed it to. Off we went (at least this time I was dry), heading for the deeper water and the boat launch (where mom was meeting us). We get about halfway there (less than the first attempt) and the motor dies. Dad again tries to start the motor… no luck. We made a quick decision not to look like helpless people (again) and decided to start paddling. The wind wasn’t as bad as Saturday but motorboats aren’t canoes, nor are they meant to be paddled. We paddled and paddled and jumped from side to side to keep us in the right direction. I am sure we looked rather ridiculous as we paddled by people in boats, and people on the shore. It took us about an hour but we finally arrived at the boat launch and got the boat out of the water and to the shop. So it was time spent with dad, but I am not signing up for more of that kind of time, and neither is my shoulder!

So other than that the week has been rather uneventful. Jay and I brought more of his stuff up to Mennville on Sunday. The move is almost over, and I know how glad Jay is to have the end in sight. I have done some work at school this week and am slowly getting more and more ready to go back to school. A couple of trips to staples and I will be excited about school supplies and therefore I will be ready to get back in the classroom and in front of my students. I am excited to announce that it looks like Mennville School will have high-speed Internet this year. Yes we are getting high-tech!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Sign I Hate!

Yes, I hate this sign; I hate what it stands for! 43 Wasahow Dr is up for sale. The cottage I have loved and enjoyed since I moved here, the family legacy that was left, first by my grandmother and now by grandpa, is up for sale. I don’t like it!
The weekend was bittersweet out there. The weather was decent, the company was good (mom and dad), and I had fun. On the other hand my time out there seems pretty limited, I want to spend as much time as I can out there before it is gone. Yet I don’t want to have a good time out there, I don’t want this to be any harder than it already is. It was an emotional weekend for sure; I foresee the near future not being much different. It seems like it is all happening so fast, and I haven’t really finished grieving and processing everything. In some ways I just want it over, sell it, or keep it, just let it be over. Let’s face it I don’t do the waiting very well, I don’t like being in limbo. Okay I am done complaining!
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Friday, August 3, 2007

Summer Fun and News!

This summer is flying by, if only I could stop time for a few weeks so that I could get caught up!
I was glad to spend the week after grandpa passed away with my family. Jay had the majority of the week off so we spent a lot of time at my parents’ house. It was a sad week but overall not a bad week.
Since then I have spent some time in Mennville, I have almost finished planning one subject for the year, many more to go, but it is a start! I am pretty much hoping to spend the weekdays here (or at least the majority of them) as I prep for next year. I enjoy being at home, sleeping in my own room, and living life on my own timeline. There have been many mornings of sleeping in! I went to visit camp the other night, reminded me how much I miss that place! The kids seem to be having a blast!
Okay so now for the big news! Jay has gotten a job in Riverton and is moving here in a couple of weeks! He will be the town Rec. Director for the next six months. Not only is the job closer to me (which I think is a pretty good perk) but it is also something that I think Jay will do a good ob at and enjoy. I am super excited to have him living three miles away from me! It will defiantly change our relationship, we usually see each other on weekends, but that hasn’t always been a guarantee. We should see each other a lot more now!
So that is the exciting news of the week/month.

Friday, July 20, 2007

And Summer takes a turn...

Yes summer has taken a turn, yesterday around 7am , my Grandpa Ducks (Hayward) passed away. He was rushed to hospital on Wednesday and on Thursday morning, with mom and dad at his side he passed away, just the way he wanted it. The death seems sudden, and yet not, he was sick, and so we new it would happen eventually, we are all taken a little bit by surprised at how fast it happened. I was so glad that I was already on my way to Winnipeg on Wednesday night when mom called me. I was here as my family said goodbye and was a part of it. All in all the family is doing okay, their have been tears, and memories shared.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Yup summer is here, and that makes me super excited! I love summer, I love the heat (maybe because I am often cold), I love the carefree lifestyle that summer brings, I love camp... oh summer is wonderful!
Of course summer also means that I am not "working" and thus have some free time on my hands. School finished in a rush and sometimes it doesn't feel like it really is done for the year. I guess on of these days the feeling of freedom will set in! Although in some ways I already want to be back in the classroom, it is getting painted and cleaned so I am excited to get in there and reorganize my space! Plus, I already have new ideas for next year and I just want to start planning!
My first real week of summer was spent at BCBC. It was a long week, with plenty of highlights and lowpoints, but all in all it was a positive week. I can only pray for staff and campers now, as I am not returing this summer. I am sure God will do great things through camp in the next four weeks!
This week I have spent recovering (from school and from camp). Jay has this week off, which means we have been spending time together, and with friends. A nice change to the craziness that was life in the last couple of weeks. This week will come to an end (probably before I want it to!), after that it will be back and forth between Mennville and Winnipeg (and maybe the cottage :) ). I have my courses to get into and planning to do! It appears that summer is never long enough!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

My Parents

So last weekend, being Father’s Day, I had planned to write something in honour of my Dad, I procrastinated (Shocker!) so instead today (rather than finishing report cards) I have decided to write something about both my parents.
In all truthfulness my parents are pretty great parents. As a child I never really thought about how much they gave up for my brother and I, I thought that was what all parents did! There were many years that my dad’s vacation time involved spending a week at the PNE chaperoning 15 or so 4-H members, their weekends were taken up driving Joel, my sheep and I to various fairs, or functions. My hobbies became their hobbies, I wonder now if they had any time for the things they enjoyed, did dad golf much? This must be why mom went back to school when I was older and why she started to play the violin after I left home!
My parents raised me to be independent (or maybe just let me be that way), caring, out-going, and to value family and friends. They pushed me to my best in everything I tackled. They raised me to be self-confident and self-sufficient. Yet they never pushed their goals on me. I always knew I could become anything I want to, I wasn’t letting them down if I became a teacher or a vet… or whatever.
As I write all this let it also be known that my parents and I also had those teenage/parent conflicts. I believe I was an interesting creature from age 12-15, my poor mother! Looking back I now recognize that my mom was trying to teach me responsibility, and how we should live up to our promises when she wanted me to train my dog. That clean room she wanted me to have is still a bit of a stretch, but I do get where she was coming from.
I often joke that my parents moved out of the house when I was 15 (there is truth to this). It wasn’t the easiest time for any of us (cancer does that), but what I discovered is that in these crazy years (1997/1998/1999) is that family is hugely important. Through these years there were many moments when friends would say things like” I hate my parents” (we were just teenagers) and I would wish and pray that two months from then I would still have both parents. It was around this time I began to realize how important my parents were in my life, and how wonderful of parents they were/are!
I don’t live at home but I know that if my car needs an oil change Dad will have it done for me. I also still know I have a place to crash (even if it is a couch) when I go to the city for the weekend, even if they don’t get to see me while I am there! My parents are not only my parents now, but also my friends.
I know my mom reads this so:
Thanks mom for being a great parent! Oh and pass that on to dad too!
I can only hope that when I become a mom I can parent my children as well as they parented me!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


No excuses, I am a blog slacker!
Here is an update; it’s apparently a long time coming!
I had a wonderful trip to Smithers a couple of weeks ago. My cousin Jessica got married (to Ben). It was wonderful to take a couple of days off and fly out there for four days. There was lots of family there that I hadn’t seen in quite some time so it was nice to see them and catch up. Smithers is in B.C. and is surrounded by the mountains, it was amazing! Check out these pictures!

The view from our hike!

Ben and Jessica at the Wedding

Grandma in Matt's (my cousin) Porche!

Ben and Jessica

Since my Smithers trip school has been busy! As always June is a little crazy, the wonderful thing is that it is June and there are not many days left until my summer begins!

Two weekends ago I had my first experience with ticks! YUCK! Jay and I went hiking at Hecla, it was a beautiful day! I got one tick, which is a first for me. Jay however had 12ish! Apparently they like to hide in socks! Yeah for sandals!

Last weekend Jay and I went to his parents’ house. We haven’t spent much time with them since we have been together so it was time to do that. The weekend was good.

When I got home on Sunday I found out my mom and grandpa were in a rather bad car accident. Mom is okay-ish, grandpa has a cracked vertebra. Makes me more nervous to drive, and I actually drove home at pretty much the speed limit, which is not usually the case!

So there is an update on what has been happening in life, my goal is to update more often, but we will see. Maybe I should spend less time on facebook!~S
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Weekend and The Day

I had a chance to actually write over the weekend, this is what I wrote on Sunday:
I arrived Thursday night, as I unpacked and settled in a sense of relief flooded over me. This place gives the sense of no obligations, no responsibilities, and no demands. Maybe because here I am still a ‘kid’. I walked around putting out lawn chairs and opening buildings. As I did so a visitor joined me, I named her Henrietta, she was a duck, she followed me closely, close enough to touch if I had wanted to. I hope to see her leading babies around soon.
I woke up Friday morning to the promise of a beautiful day, the sun was out and the temperature was rising. I enjoyed breakfast on the deck and took in the incredible view. As I read my book for the English course I am taking I basked in the sun and debated putting on shorts. The afternoon soon ended that idea as the wind picked up and the temperature fell. Friday morning was the only sun I enjoyed over the weekend L.
In reality the cottage does place demands. Saturday was spent meeting these demands. Dad and I raked leaves and pinecones, cut grass, put the dock in, got the boat out (Joel and dad put it in the water), cleaned the house… for some reason the demands of this place seem less “demanding” then those of the real world. As the rest of the family arrived (mom, grandpa, and Joel) the obligations diffused, more hands do make lighter work.
I can only hope that weekends like this renew my energy. Maybe, just maybe I will be less grumpy, have more energy, and be more relaxed in the upcoming week. Weekends like this help me seek out balance in life, work gets left behind (but not forgotten), demands at home are less pressing, enjoy able tasks like reading get done, I spend time outside reconnecting with nature… hmmm as I write I am looking forward to more and more weekends out here. BRING ON SUMMER!!
Today the peace was shattered with a big thump! Grrr it was a rough day, it was a good thing I had a good weekend! In the end I vented to loved ones, cried, took out frustration at the gym and prayed and prayed and prayed. As I should have expected God comes through in the crazy moments, lost things were found (and even worked after being washed)… the day ended with the promise of good days ahead (even if they are crazy days). I am reminded that God is good, even in the small, non-important things. I needed that reminder!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

News... and other tidbits

So I am a blog slacker, I haven’t updated in awhile, and have been preoccupied with life and facebook (in that order). Basically life is crazy busy.
Work has hit nightmare time; Spring Tea is next week, there are four fieldtrips for my class coming up, I am going away for 2 days… this is all in the next three weeks! YIKES!! In other work news… yesterday was contract-signing deadline. This year the decision was a little harder to make. For the first time in my life I felt like I actually had to consult people (or person) in regards to this decision (as I reread this I realized that this might sounds like a bad thing, really it isn’t it is just a new thing). After weighing pros and cons, and praying about the decision the contract was signed. I will be staying in Mennville for another year. If anyone can build a contraption to get me to Winnipeg and back in a very short amount of time that would be great!

I spent last weekend in the city. I bought an AMAZING flat iron for my hair. Really it is amazing. Totally worth the money it cost! Mom and I hit the mall on Saturday. It’s been awhile since we hung out so it was nice to spend a couple of hours together. I totally slacked on Mother’s Day (she actually picked out her own present). That does not mean though that I don’t love mom. Just for the record my mom is amazing! I love the fact that now that I am older she isn’t just my “mom” but also my friend!

I am looking forward to tomorrow at 3:30! I have a 4-day weekend and am looking forward to time at the cottage. I even get a day there by myself! I plan to read, work on my courses, KAYAK, and spend sometime relaxing. The rest of the family is coming out at different times throughout the weekend so it should be fun and enjoyable. Hopefully the weather is amazing and the water is somewhat warm (who knows when you might fall or get flipped!).
Yeah to May Long!Enjoy yours!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Today’s Three Beautiful Things:

1) Being reminded that people are often generous and helpful. Story: I got my first ever, flat tire today, I was about two mils from home and so I started to walk, but I didn’t get that far when a man and his wife (?) stopped and offered to change my tire. A big huge thank you to the strangers who took the time to help me out! The tire is wrecked and will need to be replaced, but that’s okay.
2) Joining the gym! Yup I did and am super excited that there is a new gym to join in Riverton. It is like curves but not, and only a 10 minute drive (rather than the 30 or so it would be to the nearest curves)!
3) Spring is here! I know this because they just mowed the grass in my backyard!! I love the sun, the heat, the summer that is to come. What a great time of year!

In other news I am officially a student again! Grrr not exactly how I wanted to spend my summer months, but that’s life. I have to take the courses so I take them. I now have the books for my first course (Women in Literature) and have spent a couple of hours working on it. In reality it isn’t that bad, and could be interesting (if I let it be!). Mission: Positive attitude about courses!


Sunday, April 22, 2007

I Hate Sunday Nights!

In the last six months I have learned to hate Sunday nights! Some people don’t like Sunday nights because they know Monday is coming, usually that means back to work. Although I don’t enjoy the alarm clock on Monday morning, it isn’t the getting back to work that makes me hate Sunday nights. Instead it is the fact that most Sunday nights one of us (Jay or I) gets to drive the two hours between our houses. It means this weeks’ goodbye has come and gone. It means we will spend a couple of hours (if we are lucky) speaking by phone over the next five or six days. I know that is could be worse, there could be no weekends together at all, but I have decided I am entitled to a little sadness on Sunday nights.

This weekend the two-hour drive belonged to Jay. He came up Saturday evening (after his youth groups' 30 hour famine). On Friday evening I spent a couple of hours at Hecla. I enjoyed sitting in the sun on the boardwalk, watching the birds, and seeing my first butterfly of the season. I read and wrote and just had some Sarah and God time. I was surprised to still see ice on the lake, but the weather was wonderful. I then enjoyed a movie (The Holiday) with Dayna, not a bad movie! I got a great Gilmore Girls Fix on Saturday morning. I haven’t watched GG in a while and I had some time to kill so I enjoyed that and a great big cup of coffee in the morning. The rest of the weekend past in a blur of Carcassonne (a board game), College and Career, more Carcassonne, visiting with friends, and watching (okay in my case sleeping) through movies!! All and all a great weekend.
Now if only the Flames would win to cap it all off!!

Pray for Ramona and Earl as Ramona has surgery tomorrow (Monday). See their blog for all the details (there is a link on the right!).

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Week Is Over!!

The week is finally over… it has been one long week!
This week felt long for a variety of reasons. First it was report card and Parent-Teacher interview week. Luckily my reports cards were mostly done long before Monday, but no matter how early they get done there is always a little apprehension sending report cards home. If only students knew how much teachers love to send home glowing report cards and hate disappointing students and parents with not so stellar report cards!
The week was also one that stretched me in my job… I was given the opportunity to grow in communication skills and I was stretched in regards to leadership and conflict. It was a good situation for growth.
It seems like forever since I have really talked to friends and loved ones. Usually my weeks fly by, and I wish I had a little more time with my students, and a little more time to get things done. This week I feel like it would have been wonderful if it ended days ago! I am looking forward to a very quiet weekend at home. It will include watching movies and hockey, finishing my quilt, and maybe sleeping in!
I decided to steal the THREE BEAUTIFUL THINGS idea from Dayna and Lindsey, what a wonderful idea. Here are my three beautiful things for today:
1) When we went for lunch in town today (it was an admin day) it smelled like it had just stopped raining. You know that fresh, earthy smell; I love it! It makes me really believe that spring is here!
2) I had the time to create a bulletin board for my classroom, one of those things that falls by the wayside when things get busy. Now I can put up important terms and definitions about the Earth’s Crust!
3) Spinach salad, yup spinach salad is beautiful! Especially when it has red peppers (I have eaten two and a half of those wonderful things this week!), tomatoes and Italian dressing on it. YUMMY!

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

When Do We Become Adults?

So I have ranted to a few people today… but I am going to continue to rant!
So here is the issue: I was recently invited to a wedding, but the invitation was addressed to my parents, brother, and I (and sent to my parents house). This irks me; I am an adult, I live away from my parents (and have for many years), and I feel like I should be getting my own invitations to weddings. Really the question is when does someone become an adult, and get treated like an adult? Would I have gotten my own invitation if I were married? If I had children? If I was 40 and still single? In all cases I would think so! So why, at 25 and not married, does it make it okay to send invitations to my parents? Grrrr!! I will leave my rant at that!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Spring is here! It has been rushed in by amazing temperatures, melting snow, mucky roads, and spring-cleaning! I love spring; it is definitely one of my favourite seasons. It brings with it a sense of newness, a season of change. I can’t wait until the gigantic snowdrift in my backyard melts (it might be awhile yet), and my tulips start poking through the ground. I just love spring!
Maybe the fact that it is Spring Break makes this season become even more real. I am almost (one to go) finished my report cards! I am now looking forward to relaxing rest of the week in the city!
I began my “spring cleaning” yesterday, really I love getting organized. The feeling of knowing where everything is, that everything is put in its place, wonderful! Right now this might be my way of getting life organized… everything seems up in the air, at least my house is in order! But maybe that whole issue is better left to another post!
Thanks for all your comments on my previous two posts! So much fun to read all of them!
Enjoy the warm weather, and melting snow!
P.S. Megan I do read your blog but can’t seem to comment! Just thought I should let you know that I love and miss you!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sad Day

Today was Stephanie's mom's funeral. Things worked out so I could go, (the TA took the whole school for the afternoon) I was so glad that I could go and show my support for Stephanie. Half of Stephanie's class was at the funeral too, it was nice to see her students supporting her! I just pray that God continues to comfort Stephanie and her family.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I Have Succumbed To Peer Pressure!

All my life I have been pretty good at standing up to peer pressure... not any more. After a discussion with Jay and Mark I have succumbed to the pressure. This is my THIRD blog... apparently I can't commit! Maybe I will stick with this one for longer than the other two!

In other, more serious news...
This week has been tough for my friends... Please pray for Stephanie, her mom passed away on Saturday after battling cancer. Also pray for Dayna, and her family, with the tragic passing of her uncle. It hasn't been an easy week!

That is all I have for tonight...