Friday, July 20, 2007

And Summer takes a turn...

Yes summer has taken a turn, yesterday around 7am , my Grandpa Ducks (Hayward) passed away. He was rushed to hospital on Wednesday and on Thursday morning, with mom and dad at his side he passed away, just the way he wanted it. The death seems sudden, and yet not, he was sick, and so we new it would happen eventually, we are all taken a little bit by surprised at how fast it happened. I was so glad that I was already on my way to Winnipeg on Wednesday night when mom called me. I was here as my family said goodbye and was a part of it. All in all the family is doing okay, their have been tears, and memories shared.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that your grandpa died. My thoughts are with you and your family. Praying for you.

Mark said...

Sarah, please accept our condolences. Take care,

Lindsey Dueck said...

Sarah, I am so sorry about your loss. I'm praying for you. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
I love you and I'm thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

Sarah...I'm so sorry for your loss...I'll be praying for you and your family. I love you and miss you!

Jobina said...

I'm so glad that you could be there to say goodbye to your Grandpa. Take care.