Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Weekend and The Day

I had a chance to actually write over the weekend, this is what I wrote on Sunday:
I arrived Thursday night, as I unpacked and settled in a sense of relief flooded over me. This place gives the sense of no obligations, no responsibilities, and no demands. Maybe because here I am still a ‘kid’. I walked around putting out lawn chairs and opening buildings. As I did so a visitor joined me, I named her Henrietta, she was a duck, she followed me closely, close enough to touch if I had wanted to. I hope to see her leading babies around soon.
I woke up Friday morning to the promise of a beautiful day, the sun was out and the temperature was rising. I enjoyed breakfast on the deck and took in the incredible view. As I read my book for the English course I am taking I basked in the sun and debated putting on shorts. The afternoon soon ended that idea as the wind picked up and the temperature fell. Friday morning was the only sun I enjoyed over the weekend L.
In reality the cottage does place demands. Saturday was spent meeting these demands. Dad and I raked leaves and pinecones, cut grass, put the dock in, got the boat out (Joel and dad put it in the water), cleaned the house… for some reason the demands of this place seem less “demanding” then those of the real world. As the rest of the family arrived (mom, grandpa, and Joel) the obligations diffused, more hands do make lighter work.
I can only hope that weekends like this renew my energy. Maybe, just maybe I will be less grumpy, have more energy, and be more relaxed in the upcoming week. Weekends like this help me seek out balance in life, work gets left behind (but not forgotten), demands at home are less pressing, enjoy able tasks like reading get done, I spend time outside reconnecting with nature… hmmm as I write I am looking forward to more and more weekends out here. BRING ON SUMMER!!
Today the peace was shattered with a big thump! Grrr it was a rough day, it was a good thing I had a good weekend! In the end I vented to loved ones, cried, took out frustration at the gym and prayed and prayed and prayed. As I should have expected God comes through in the crazy moments, lost things were found (and even worked after being washed)… the day ended with the promise of good days ahead (even if they are crazy days). I am reminded that God is good, even in the small, non-important things. I needed that reminder!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me come over the other day! I was happy that you were home early enough that I could see you. Too bad we both didn't have more time...I wasn't done talking...haha I'll be thinking of you this week (and the next few) as it's super busy for you! Love you!

Mark said...

Sarah: Important question . . . how is the hair straightener working out? Inquiring minds wish to know! That's not what you washed, was it?

. said...

wow sarah,
i'm glad i checked your blog (while i'm sitting here at your computer... funny...) so i could know that you found 'it' (since it remains a mystery to the rest i won't spoil it) and to hear about your w/e! i'm sorry i couldn't stay longer last nite. i felt bad later that i hadn't made more time, especially since you'd had such a rotten day, but we were both almost out the door as it was.... hopefully we can have an 'extended' chat sometime soon. i'd like that a LOT!

love you, love you, love you,

Sarah Boaz said...

The lost item was a flashdrive, containing all my student's pictures for the spring tea!

Mark my straightener is AMAZING!! it even took out the ponytail king the other day,that makes it worth every penny I paid for it!!

Dayna, no worries, I was super busy, and the day only got better from that point! See you soon hopefully!


Anonymous said...


There is a K in kink (as in ponytail) I'm hoping there is no king in your hair, that would be heavy.

Sarah Boaz said...

Okay so I made a typo! There was no king, only a kink!

Anonymous said...

You finally bought a hair straightener!! It is my single most important purchase of my adult life...lol...not even joking!
So how much sexier are you now with super straight hair??

Anonymous said...

Why don't you update your blog anymore?!?! I don't hear from you often enough!! How was your weekend? What are you doing next weekend? Hopefully we'll be able to catch up sometime soon!! Have a good day!!