Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Part 2: Expectations

I began this year with very few expectations, I didn't really know what to expect, so I embraced whatever came my way. Here are some realizations that came with this year:

1) How can you love someone you just me THIS much?! Sure I loved Griffin before he was born but the minute I really first saw him  he was hooked up to wires and machines and I fell so in love with him. The first picture of us is me in my bed touching his foot and crying, I ached because I couldn't hold him. He captured my heart that day, and every day since. I never thought I could love someone like I do him. Yes, I love many people in my life but there is something different about your love for your child.

2) What you think you will do as a parent isn't actually what you will do! I have learned that the ideal sometimes makes it hard to survive. My old ideals; i.e. "My baby will be able to self soothe early and I will just have to put him in his crib and he will fall asleep" HAHAHAHAHAHA! If I just put G in his crib it results in much screaming, alligator tears, and it would go for hours (we give up). I have learned that sleep wins, every time! I would much rather have a good night sleep and have a well rested baby, and so the three of us sleep together and G nurses when he needs food or comfort, and we are both happy people in the morning! He is now taking naps in the crib after I rock him to sleep, so there is a step in the right direction. Moral of the story pick what is important to you and fight for those things (for me breastfeeding was one) the rest will work itself out.

3) Judgements happen, I choose to laugh, and do my own thing! I have learned that there is a wide variety of "right" and other than abuse, not a whole lot of "wrong" when it comes to parenting. Breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby-wearing, disposable diapering, etc. worked for us. However, breastfeeding isn't necessarily easy or great for others, some parents choose not to co-sleep, some people like space, and cloth diapering makes a lot of sense; to each his own. Every parent and every baby is different I think it is important to do what works for your family. I am sure you can find an "expert" who agrees with you :).

4) Life Changes! I love hearing people say that they will still live life in the same way when a baby arrives. I just don't know how to do that, and didn't really set out to try. Griffin changed EVERYTHING! I was more than okay with that. Going out in the evening is difficult, eating out almost impossible (although getting easier now), and sleeping when I want to not an option. Having a baby put our family in a different life stage and with it come adjustments. Instead we frequent mom and tot groups, hang out at home, have our living room covered in toys, and put our wants and needs after his. No regrets on the changes, I knew they were coming the moment I suspected we were pregnant! He is worth everything I had to give up, I wouldn't want it any other way!

1 comment:

Ash said...

I really like these posts! They are funny to see how different your attitude becomes once you become a parent. Joel and I were just saying yesterday that I'm sure Chris and Sarah had a hard time coming to our place before we had kids because as you are discovering with G, non baby proofed/non kid proofed houses are stressful and hard. I really appreciate the effort they made now as it's a lot of work constantly keeping your eye on them and making sure they aren't getting into everything.

I also owe every parent before me an apology for being judgemental, not understanding nap schedules, and generally thinking I would do it better and differently. Although I do things differently than some, they are all for the same reasons - sleep, what works for our girls, and my personal sanity. I remember thinking once "Don't they know the pediatric society doesn't recommend TV until 2 years of age?!" and for most of Mika's infant life she couldn't sit long enough to watch TV, but once she hit about 20 months she liked it, and to be quite honest I use it. It's a breather for me and gives me some "me" time. :)

It's also funny to see your must have list has it would be completely different from mine. :) I know your becco saved your sanity, and for me the snugli and wraps we had were barely used. I used the cuddley wrap more with Maddy, but still it would never have been on my must have list.

These are fun, keep them coming!!