Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Two Whole Days!

May Long weekend usually comes with many plans, but as far as I was concerned I was going to start me second job (a whole other post), clean my house, and catch up on some marking. Jay was going to join the guys for Friday night of the guys camping trip and then come home.
On Saturday morning Jay called and said that there were a ton of empty sites at Hecla and wondered if I wanted to go camping. Of course I had to pack up myself but it sounded like a great plan. When we got married we got given a great tent, we love it, but more importantly than keeping us dry (which it did during a windy and rainy storm on Saturday night) it gives us some quality time together. There are no distractions (TV, computers, house cleaning...), and although I did bring a little work reading to do I ignored the rest of it!
It rained a little when I arrived but it ended and we cooked and ate supper without getting wet. After we went to sleep the wind and rain picked up, Thunder and lightning began and God showed his power for some time. Except for an open window that allowed a few drops of water into our tent we remained dry and warm. Sunday was amazing and sunny and warm, we walked by the lake, I napped (napping is good) and ate a ton of campfire cooked food. So worth a messy house and extra marking this week!
By Monday afternoon we were home and unpacking, and of course trying to get rid of that campfire smell. So now back to the grind of working two jobs, Jay reffing, me marking... Thankfully two whole days gave us a chance to re-fuel, more camping trips are needed!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I was told about a site called wordle that use word size to analyze any written thing. The larger the word the more often it appears in a piece of writing. I used it on my blog.

I wasn't all that shocked to see the word 'TIME' as the biggest word. I understand completely that time is an overarching issue in my life. Busy is how I often describe my life, but even more so Jay's life; and together we are CRAZY busy! Do we do this to ourselves, absolutely! I know it, but I am not sure how to change it! We both clearly have time demanding jobs that interrupt our lives constantly, leaving work doesn't mean we are not working. We have discovered that leaving home, the country, or the area means we have quality time together, those times are oh so important but can't happen all the time.

Really the best word to describe the issue is BALANCE, finding that balance between demanding jobs, family, God, and our marriage (not in that order) is a struggle. We always say that it will change one day, but that is only true if we make it true! I have yet to come to the understanding of how to make that happen.