Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sunday Evening Radio!

When Jay and I first started dating he lived in Winnipeg, and I was in Mennville. This lead to many drives back and forth for both of us. I drove into the city many weekends and stayed with my parents. Every Sunday evening I would make the drive back to Mennville, and I would try to listen to the radio. Although I have a CD player in my car I tend to listen to the radio to get the variety, and a little bit of news at the same time. I must say that Sunday evening radio is terrible (Jay eventually gave me a CD of songs that reminded him of us, so I usually listened to that on the way home)!
I was reminded of this sad and frustrating issue again last Sunday. I was in the city by myself for the weekend. It was my mom's birthday and Jay was at volleyball all weekend so I went in to celebrate with my family. On Sunday night I drove home alone. I listen to country most of the time, but 104 had "retro country" on, so I switched to the Christian station, only to find a talk show about the gift of singleness, I went to Clear and found "Hollywood Confidential" on... all three were not helping me stay awake on my boring drive home! In the end I listened to CJOB (all my CD's are in my house)!! Why is there nothing good on the radio on Sunday evening!?

For this reason, and many, many others I am so glad not to have a long distance relationship anymore!


Jay Boaz said...

That's right, I made her a "mix tape". I'm cool. :)

Anonymous said...

What exactly are you looking for in a radio program? How about CBC?

Sarah Boaz said...

I wanted music!!

Megan said...

the gift of "singleness" on the christian radio station, how predictable....

you should get an iPod and hook it up in your car!