Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Very Good Day!

I enjoyed a good, even wonderful day today! After Church this afternoon Jay and I decorated our Christmas tree. He usually doesn't let me put it up until December 1st, but he is gone for most of the week and I am gone next weekend so he agreed to do it today! We listened to Christmas music and ate chocolate fondue and put up the tree! It is officially Christmas time!

After decorating and eating was done I enjoyed a wonderful Sunday afternoon nap. Really I think God created Sunday's for just such a thing. I love napping, but I love it even more on Sunday's, maybe because I have no guilt about relaxing on the day of rest!

Not long after I woke up my sister (in-law, to be) called me. She asked me to be her bridesmaid! So much fun to FINALLY have a sister, and I am blessed to be part of her and Joel's wedding. Bonus: there will be no seafoam green, puffed sleeved bridesmaid dresses!

So it has been a good day! Actually a great weekend! On Saturday I enjoyed lunch with Sheri, I went to see a student play hockey (and was glad to see his team win, and he scored 1 goal and got an assist!), baked sugar cookies... it was a full but good Saturday!

Now onto a week of busyness with no Jay around. This week will end with a girls weekend, of course involving shopping! YEAH!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas is Coming the Goose is Getting Fat!!

Okay, maybe it is still a little early for some, but I want CHRISTMAS!! I love this season, the decorations, the music, the atmosphere, the friends, the family... it is by far my favorite time of year (I have even got two Christmas cards already!)! It helps that we celebrate the most wonderful event in all of history!

The very first year I bought a tree and decorated it Jay and I had just started dating, he came up and helped me put it up, and I want that to continue as a tradition (although I think he doesn't really care). Jay would like to set the tree up as late as possible (Maybe even Dec. 24), I want it up now! We compromise and set it up sometime after the first of December.

This year we actually had to set a date (which sounds bad becasue we now live together) becasue life is a little crazy right now. Jay was in the city last night and curls tonight, I am in the city Thursday night. Next week is so much worse! Jay is gone Monday and Tuesday nights, and I think has a meeting another night and I am gone Friday and Saturday for a girls shopping trip :) ! I guess we will set the tree up on the third (I hope!). Christmas music, candles, and baking (which is the best part in Jay's mind), here we come!

So when do you set up your tree? I have a poll on the side bar, answer away!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Life As I Know it is ITCHY!

Yup! I am still covered in hives. From the top of my feet to the tip of my head, I am itchy! I am taking Reactine every morning so that I can concentrate on other things while I am at work (it takes the itchy-ness down but it never is gone). By the time I am in bed it is all I can do to stop scratching and fall asleep (I can only take one reactine ever 24 hours). As I researched it can take up to a week for this allergic reaction to go away. It is getting a little better (there are now individual hives and not one massive one). I wonder if allergy tests are in my future?! :(

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rough Week!

It has not been a fun week! It all started last Monday at my parents house, I came down with an awful flu! It was pretty bad. I even missed the meeting with our financial planner (Jay went on his own), we cancelled plans with friends... it was not a good day! It was taking awhile to feel better, on Friday I came home early (it was an admin. day) and slept from 3pm until 4am on the couch! My stomach was still upset, I didn't feel like eating... Of couse it was report card week so I spent as much time as I could working on them (but sitting wasn't fun).
On Saturday things only got worse! I still wasn't feeling well and then broke out in a hot, red rash! It started on my face but by 10pm it was starting to spread, so off to the hospital we went. The nice nurse gave me benadryl and an IV shot of steroids to calm the rash down. By 2pm we were home (I slept all the way, benadryl does that!). They think it is an allergc reaction, I have no idea to what but the rash is still here. This morning it is looking better though! I only hope it goes away soon! As for the flu it has dissappeared! Hopefully in 2 or 3 more days all is well!
So here's hoping life gets back to normal!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Who's Next?!

My little brother!
To do what you might ask!? To get MARRIED!
On Saturday my brother asked Ashley to marry him! I am so excited for them; I love Ashley and she is so good for Joel. Okay, I might be a little happy becasue I get a sister out of the deal too!
Although they haven't set a date, I hear I might get to be warm in the middle of winter, but not this winter!

This picture was take and Our wedding in July!
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sunday Evening Radio!

When Jay and I first started dating he lived in Winnipeg, and I was in Mennville. This lead to many drives back and forth for both of us. I drove into the city many weekends and stayed with my parents. Every Sunday evening I would make the drive back to Mennville, and I would try to listen to the radio. Although I have a CD player in my car I tend to listen to the radio to get the variety, and a little bit of news at the same time. I must say that Sunday evening radio is terrible (Jay eventually gave me a CD of songs that reminded him of us, so I usually listened to that on the way home)!
I was reminded of this sad and frustrating issue again last Sunday. I was in the city by myself for the weekend. It was my mom's birthday and Jay was at volleyball all weekend so I went in to celebrate with my family. On Sunday night I drove home alone. I listen to country most of the time, but 104 had "retro country" on, so I switched to the Christian station, only to find a talk show about the gift of singleness, I went to Clear and found "Hollywood Confidential" on... all three were not helping me stay awake on my boring drive home! In the end I listened to CJOB (all my CD's are in my house)!! Why is there nothing good on the radio on Sunday evening!?

For this reason, and many, many others I am so glad not to have a long distance relationship anymore!