Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Good and The Bad (Part 3)

Worst Part of Mommy-Hood in Year One
Not all parts of mommy-hood are roses and sunshine. Not matter who you are there will be tough days mixed in with the glorious ones. If I am being real we had our rough days, and I am sure we will have more. The days Dude hangs off me, not letting me go more than two inches away from his cute little hands, when I am an all day milking machine; those days are tough, for both of us. Sure I know he must be teething, or tired, or insecure about something and so I hold him tight, and allow him to nurse most of the day, but oh how I would love to have a moment to myself. I think God made babies so cute and parents love so strong to help us get through these days!One wonderful thing I learned is that usually these days don't happen back to back, so while one day might be rough the next probably won't be!

Best Part of Mommy-Hood in Year One
I was so amazed at how quickly my little boy knew who I was. Even as a tiny infant he knew his momma, and was often happiest in my arms. Now as he approaches his first birthday I have to admit it makes me secretly happy that when he is hurt/scared/hungry/sad he wants his mommy most of all! I love that he needs me (because secretly I need him to need me!). I was also glad he bonded with Jay so quickly. In fact, the good thing that came from all the breastfeeding challenges was that Jay got to feed Dude in the early days. Not only did that help me out, but they had some great daddy-son moments.

 Love really was the theme of the year, as I fell in love with Dude on his first day of life I realized life would never be the same, our house would be full of this new, crazy, unending love for this little boy. Maybe being a parent gives you more perspective on how God loves all of us, there is nothing like it!

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