Tuesday, December 27, 2011


We have made our way home after a busy four days of travel and family. I am not sure who was happier to be home Jay and I or Griffin. He did pretty well on our travels but he giggled and smiled and talked up a storm when we got home. He is a pretty shy little guy and he struggled with big crowds at our gatherings, he needs his down time and time alone with mommy and/or daddy. Plus lots of car time (Riverton to MacGregor, MacGregor to Winnipeg, Winnipeg to Lorette to Winnipeg, and finally Winnipeg back home) over the four days was a little much for all of us! I think next year things will need to change around here!

That being said we enjoyed our time with family and friends. We had small gatherings with both immediate families, and larger ones with aunts, uncles, cousins and Griffin's great-grandparents. We ate three turkey dinners, and enjoyed our traditional Christmas breakfast of eggs benedict. The cousins played, at least as much as a 6, 8 and 21 month old can play together :), and we all got very thoughtful and lovely presents. It was a busy way to celebrate the birth of our King.

But sleeping in our own bed last night was wonderful!

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