Still in the hospital but out of the NICU |
The first month of Griffin's life brought adjustment, and change, and love, oh, so much love. Every minute of every day he was my world, from feeding to changing, to pumping, to feeding, to pumping, to sleeping... everything I did was to meet his needs and it was (and still is) wonderful. Oh those quiet days of rocking and singing and reading, of little grunts, and cuddle-filled naps (both of us), love filled days. Those days flew by so quickly...
Jay started his new job at Sport Manitoba. He took a term position that has had him home more often in the evenings, and doing what he loves. It was great timing and has been a really great stepping stone to whatever the future may hold for him job-wise.
Finally after a LONG battle our routine changed as the pumping turned to nursing and I rejoiced in the lost step. Griffin was growing and changing like crazy. His personality started to develop, he started playing more and sleeping less, and routine and order started setting in. Our family settled into the new routine (or as routine as we are going to get) of a family of three.
July, August, September
Our first family camping trip |
Griffin and his two cousins in July |
October, November, & December
Out in the snow in his sled |
I waded into the baby food making business so Griffin could have yummy food, after a long weekend in the kitchen I made 24 types of food, and for the record he loves everything from brussel sprouts, lentils, and kidney beans, to more conventional sweet potatoes and apples. We celebrated Thanksgiving at home with my side of the family. I even cooked my first turkey (sort of, dad helped via phone and took over when he got here). In mid-October Griffin and I got to surprise Jay with what I thought was an awesome birthday present, it was so much fun! Of course this was Griffin's first Christmas, although he will never remember it it was fun to make some memories of this event with him.
Griffin with his sensory balls! |
Oh how this year has flown by, time seems to go so much more quickly as we get older! We have new things to look forward to in the next 12 months, like Griffin walking, saying mama for the first time, and other Griffin milestones. I turn the big 3-0 this year, YIKES! We also know that we have many decisions to make in the next year; Jay's term at work is up and we don't know what changes that will bring, but we know that 2011 has been a year full of blessings and whether this next year is easy or difficult God will bring us through it in His way, if we let him!
An exciting year, and so many more to come! But you forgot your family blessed you with another niece in June ;) Can't wait to see how G grows in the coming months and years.
what a great post. thanks sarah! i'm so happy with you about your 2011 blessings! especially the little one that starts with G!
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