Friday, June 10, 2011

Extra Time in My Day

This week I have been celebrating success! With this specific success comes extra time in my day, and freedom!

Griffin has not liked to nurse since day one. There seems to be five factors in a baby refusing to nurse, and he was subjected to 4 of them, the lactation consultant wasn't surprised by his refusal. He would scream and scream when I tried to nurse him. We left the hospital with a plan to finger feed and keep trying to nurse. Finger feeding lasted three weeks, until he hit a growth spurt and we just couldn't do it. I kept pumping so that he could get the good stuff, but we did have to supplement with formula. The bottles came out and I kept trying to nurse. They told me it might take 6 to 8 weeks for him to latch on.

This week I laid the gauntlet down, this was going to happen! On Monday he screamed and screamed each time I tried, but each time he figured out food was avialable and nursed. I figured I could deal with the screaming, I wasn't sure what Jay would think, but he wasn't home :). Tuesday less screaming and no bottles at all! By Wednesday he had this thing figured out. Seriously the switched turned on and I now have a nursing baby! He knows exactly what to do and does it happily!

I have felt like throwing myself a party because of this development! I feel like I have won this battle, at least for now. He is happy and content, and I am thrilled that I am not attached to my pump six times a day. I can go out and if he is hungry, I can feed him. Freedom and time, great rewards!


Jobina said...

that's so awesome Sarah! It'll make your next trip to the city SO much easier!

Stacey said...

You SHOULD have a party!! Way to go Sarah!!

Lindsey Dueck said...

That is SO awesome Sarah! So many people would have given up by now!