Thursday, October 2, 2008

An Update!

It's October, and September flew by! The beginning of a new school year tends to do that. There's seems to be so much to get done, and there is never enough time to do it! September brought with it routine and order to my life, and I really enjoy that. It seems I can be much more productive in routine than out of it. My mom often comments that I function in a "feast or famine" way. I am either really busy, with many commitments, and many hours at work (September-June) or I am very lazy (July and August). Even though I do planning and such over the summer I can structure my time in any way and often I am less productive around the house. So when September some I am ready for all the "stuff" that needs my attention.

This year things are a little differnt because life has changed (marriage apparently does that). I have realized that spending time with Jay only happens when both schedules work out. With our jobs we don't work 9-5, it will just never happen. I will have meetings, planning, or marking (LOTS OF MARKING), he coaches highschool volleyball, and has LOTS of meeting. It is not often that we are both home at dinner time! In fact his birthday is coming up and he has volleyball that day, we might be celebrating on a different day! Dinner together is rare, but longed for! We are both doing what we love, so we are learning to make our schedules work.

I haven't posted about school at all! It was a joy to have new students added to my room this year, and sad to see others move on. I guess I should get used to it, but for two years we were the same group. I still have 17 students in Grades 5-8 but the Grade 5's are new! Although I am tried after some days in all reality I have a great bunch of kids, with good hearts and great personalities. The joy of a small school is that I see siblings in action, cousins as best friends, and students who live life, not just school, with one another. It really is a different perspective.

Okay, I really should get to that marking!!

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