Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Life As a Teacher!

How many times have I heard that as a teacher I have it so easy, I only work 9-3:30, I have Christmas, Spring, and Summer break off, and never have to work weekends?? I have heard it lots, and then I laugh! For example, it is now 5pm and I am sitting at the computer (still at work) and working on planning a novel study unit. Behind me is a pile of science planning I need to do, I have a file of marking thicker then the novel I am reading sitting on my desk in my classroom, I will take that home and work on it tonight. I am not complaining, I enjoy planning (and sometimes even marking), I am just pointing out that I am not at home and it is well after 3:30.

Sure I get those wonderful vacations, I do like having some time off (as most people do). However, last Spring break I spent days writing report cards, over Christmas Break I spend time planning, and marking, even some of Summer break is spent thinking about and planning for the upcoming year. Yes, I do take time to relax on those breaks too, but most people have at least some vacation time in their jobs. Oh, and for the record those Fridays off for kids are not Fridays off for teachers. We are at school working, or at a confrence learning how to be better teachers. On the flip side of the argument that teachers get so much time off is the fact that we can't take time off during any other part of the year. My family (parents, brother, Ashely, and Ashely's parents) are going to Arizona in Feb. Clearly we will not be joing them, I will be working.

As for weekends, yeah right I don't work! Last weekend I was sick with the flu and still marked most of my students biographies. Work has a way of following me home, and that just comes with the territory. Marking, planning, and thinking are weekend projects. Plus I am always thinking about my students, "how can I help so and so with this problem?", "What could I do to help this concept make more sense?", So and so is having trouble with his/her peers, what can I do?"... Work will never end when the students go home, or even when we go home.

In many ways I love my job, I love seeing kids succeed, I love watching their faces light up as they learn something new, I love watching students mature, and become role-modles (that is a bonus of a multi-age class), I love interacting with students... The list of what I enjoy is longer than the list of struggles and trials! What drives me CRAZY is the opinion that teachers have slack jobs, and how our holidays tend to be the envy of all other professions.

I am not complaing about my job, it is great! I knew what I was signing off on when I chose this job, but before you make a comment about how great we have it think about what it might take to have 17 (or more) kids infront of you all day. It takes some thought, planning and preparing... that all takes time.

Okay, rant done! Procrastination over! Back to work :)


Anonymous said...

Whew!! I hope you feel better now. For the record there are many people who also say "I could never teach kids all day" or "I don't know how teachers do it." I'm just sayin'...........there is the other side. too bad about Arizona, but we will do Xmas down there one year too.

Lyss said...

Hey Sarah!

I'm one of those who says "I could NEVER do your job!!!". It sure takes a special person to be a teacher!

What I would dislike most about it (I think), is the constant planning and preparing...your job doesn't end when you go home at night, like you said.

Me, on the other hand, I work awful hours, but at least when I go home, I don't have to think about it anymore:)

Hope the ideas come easily and the planning goes smoothly! Enjoy your week!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Alyssa... it sure takes a special kind of person to be a teacher! Kudos to you Sarah! You are an amazing teacher, and I know that the kids love you! May you be blessed for all of the countless hours you pour into your students!! Hope the rest of your week goes well...and that you get some rest in this weekend!
-Hillary :)

Anonymous said...

Sarah, don't lie. We all know that teachers don't do any work. You just use the same lesson plan every year and that spares are just spent secretly drinking wine with the other teachers in the teacher's lounge. Yup, teachers have a pretty slack job indeed!!
j/k, you know I love you and that you work your butt off!!

Jay Boaz said...

Like any job, there are positives and negatives. I don't think I could be a full time teacher, though I have thought about it in the past. Coaching is my way of teaching without all the restrictions of a full time teacher. As a coach I can punish with laps and push-ups, much easier than marking an extra punishment assignment. :)

. said...

you are a wonderful teacher, sarah! i know it beacuase i've seen you in action (both at school and amrking at home) and becasue i know your students. i applaud you fro all the work/time/emotion/effort you put into your work, and thus into these kids' lives. love your list of 'things i love about teaching'! love you!

Anonymous said...

You have proven yourself here that you have what it takes to be a good teacher. The only sad thing about it is that none of my kids get you to be their teacher this year.