Thursday, December 16, 2010

Twas the Night Before...

Where did these last two weeks go! Time is flying by and tomorrow is our Christmas Program (ALREADY!!?!). I am in the process of printing off hundreds of programs and have some time to kill as I wait for the photocopier to beep at me. I am sitting at school, it is quite, except for my music and the furnace, peaceful even. The snow is falling outside, is seems like Christmas at it's finest! LOVE IT!

Christmas is by far my favourite time of the year, and this year, even among it's busyness and such, is no different. The tree is up (although that did feel like a chore last week), and every evening I enjoy sitting in the living room with candles and the tree glowing. Something about it brings great memories of my childhood, memories I hope to begin creating next Christmas with my own child (and maybe later children). But with it comes a huge question for me, one that causes me much worry. You see as a young child I believed in Santa Clause, and every year he came to my house, drank milk, ate cookies, and fed his reindeer carrots. He left presents under the tree for all of us... I loved Christmas morning, opening stockings from Santa and seeing the gifts he left are treasured memories. I however, live in a community, and teach in a community, were Santa is not present. I get the Jesus is the real reason for the season, and will read about and celebrate His birth with my children, but will we have Santa? Jay keeps telling me we have a couple of years to figure that out yet, and I get that, but hey I am already thinking about it. I imagine Walnut's cousins will have Santa, and with a small family we celebrate together often, I want him to share that experience with Mika and Bug (especially because they will all be so close in age). Those memories were so special to me that I want to create them for my kids... but how do I balance that with the reality of his life and peers too? Ahhh I know I will have much more to worry about in the future... but right now, in this season, at this time this is my parent worry...
The copier beeped, I guess it is done... time to go home...


Ash said...

You are right my dear, Walnut's cousins will have a Santa. I had a similar childhood to yours, leaving milk, cookies and carrots out for Santa. I was allowed to open my stocking before my parents woke, but had to wait until at least 5am (later it became 6am) to wake my parents and open all our presents together. I have fond memories of waking at 2am, opening my stocking, reading my magazine quietly and tip toeing back to bed excited to see what was under the tree. I can't imagine not sharing those same memories and experiences with my kids. I totally understand the need to balance the reality of the holiday, with the commercialized childhood fun of the season too. I remember being about 15 and going to an Africian American friend's house and seeing a Santa statue, but Santa was black. it never occured to me as a child that Santa might look different to different people, and maybe going on that same trend of thought, Walnut might not put together why Santa isn't really talked about in school and in the community. I dunno, but you have good points and a lot to ponder.

Jobina said...

My parents never encouraged any believe in Santa and I had none, but that didn't make Christmas any less special or magical for me. I LOVED getting my stocking and presents and I'd write a Christmas letter for my parents of what I would like (my mom still asks us for lists). We had our own traditions.
In Mark's family his Mom would sneak into their rooms at night and put a stocking by the door (maybe it was really early in the morning, I'm not 100% sure) and Mark and his brother would open their stockings and then one of them would go to the other's room with his loot and they'd show each other what they got and try things out. Mark's Mom still did this after Mark and I got married and it was so fun to open our stockings together (I felt like a little kid!) and then go to Tim's room to see what he got.
It's totally up to you to teach your kids whatever, but just know that Christmas can be fantastic and wonderful without Santa too!

Lindsey Dueck said...

I have thought so much about this too, and I still can't decide! I am really leaning to the side of leaving Santa out of it. Christmas is about Jesus, not Santa. But as a kid I always got presents from Santa, too. And I don't want my kids to ruin it for other kids. I dunno, I still have a lot of time to think about it i guess.

christine said...

We didn't get into the Santa thing with our children, however, we did tell them not to spoil the magic for those that talk about him.
However we still seemed to use "if your not good Santa won't be coming to this house..." I think I used it last week, all I got were a few smirks.

Anonymous said...

I listened to a good show on TV today - 'Listen Up'. It's a Christian show and the topic was Santa. YOu can look up OR gooogle Gerry Bowler.(university of Man.) He said Santa is okay in Christian homes and talks about the creativity it promotes and also the 'magic' of Christmas. It might be worth a look up.
Regardless, you guys will evolve your own Christmas family traditions like every one else. A little of Jay's family's stuff and a little of ours. Pick the best from both families.

Anonymous said...

Love the toy box!