Friday, August 3, 2007

Summer Fun and News!

This summer is flying by, if only I could stop time for a few weeks so that I could get caught up!
I was glad to spend the week after grandpa passed away with my family. Jay had the majority of the week off so we spent a lot of time at my parents’ house. It was a sad week but overall not a bad week.
Since then I have spent some time in Mennville, I have almost finished planning one subject for the year, many more to go, but it is a start! I am pretty much hoping to spend the weekdays here (or at least the majority of them) as I prep for next year. I enjoy being at home, sleeping in my own room, and living life on my own timeline. There have been many mornings of sleeping in! I went to visit camp the other night, reminded me how much I miss that place! The kids seem to be having a blast!
Okay so now for the big news! Jay has gotten a job in Riverton and is moving here in a couple of weeks! He will be the town Rec. Director for the next six months. Not only is the job closer to me (which I think is a pretty good perk) but it is also something that I think Jay will do a good ob at and enjoy. I am super excited to have him living three miles away from me! It will defiantly change our relationship, we usually see each other on weekends, but that hasn’t always been a guarantee. We should see each other a lot more now!
So that is the exciting news of the week/month.


Jobina said...

You just go right ahead and sleep in as much as you like, you deserve it!
It will definitely be good for you and Jay to see each other on a more consistent basis...long distance just isn't real enough. Remember to still come to the city every once in a while anyway. There's always our house to hang out at, a game to play, fun to be had, and munchies to eat. Not to mention the fact that we STILL haven't watched Karate Dog!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you that Jay will be moving out to Riverton!! I didn't read your blog at work today and Michelle just told me now when I got in...Have a good evening! See you on the weekend?? Love you!

Mark said...

Jay rocks!

Sarah Boaz said...

Jobina: We do have to get together, Karate Dog needs to be watched!