Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Sign I Hate!

Yes, I hate this sign; I hate what it stands for! 43 Wasahow Dr is up for sale. The cottage I have loved and enjoyed since I moved here, the family legacy that was left, first by my grandmother and now by grandpa, is up for sale. I don’t like it!
The weekend was bittersweet out there. The weather was decent, the company was good (mom and dad), and I had fun. On the other hand my time out there seems pretty limited, I want to spend as much time as I can out there before it is gone. Yet I don’t want to have a good time out there, I don’t want this to be any harder than it already is. It was an emotional weekend for sure; I foresee the near future not being much different. It seems like it is all happening so fast, and I haven’t really finished grieving and processing everything. In some ways I just want it over, sell it, or keep it, just let it be over. Let’s face it I don’t do the waiting very well, I don’t like being in limbo. Okay I am done complaining!
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Anonymous said...

That's so sad that the cottage is up for sale...I was hoping to be able to spend more weekends there over the years...
See you next week!

Jobina said...

bad, bad sign!

Mark said...

Sniff, and I never even got to see it . . .