Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Spring is here! It has been rushed in by amazing temperatures, melting snow, mucky roads, and spring-cleaning! I love spring; it is definitely one of my favourite seasons. It brings with it a sense of newness, a season of change. I can’t wait until the gigantic snowdrift in my backyard melts (it might be awhile yet), and my tulips start poking through the ground. I just love spring!
Maybe the fact that it is Spring Break makes this season become even more real. I am almost (one to go) finished my report cards! I am now looking forward to relaxing rest of the week in the city!
I began my “spring cleaning” yesterday, really I love getting organized. The feeling of knowing where everything is, that everything is put in its place, wonderful! Right now this might be my way of getting life organized… everything seems up in the air, at least my house is in order! But maybe that whole issue is better left to another post!
Thanks for all your comments on my previous two posts! So much fun to read all of them!
Enjoy the warm weather, and melting snow!
P.S. Megan I do read your blog but can’t seem to comment! Just thought I should let you know that I love and miss you!


Lindsey Dueck said...

i know what you mean about spring! I love it so much too. I love the smell, the messyness, the warmth, the galavanting around without a jacket! ARGH.... me and Eric have to start spring cleaning soon. I can't wait to have everything organized!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Good for you...the house, the report cards, the relaxing...Wish I was motivated enough to clean and organize. I'm happy that you don't have other plans for thursday...Now you can meet my...friend. lol See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I can't beleive all that you said about cleaning and organizing ! Wonders never cease ! ---Mom