Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life as I Know It!

Is a little on the CRAZY side, but I am loving most moments of it!
I am in the anxious stage of my pregnancy. As a student said the other day I was more excited at the beginning. It isn't that I am not excited about it now, it is just that worry is creeping in. I am going with "this is normal" and thinking it is okay to want to make sure things are good for baby, but in the process my worry-wart personality can take over. I spend my evenings at home telling myself not to dwell on things.In the end things will be fine, and what I have control over I will take care of, everything else will work itself out!

We started our pre-natal classes last night. I left with a question... why do the pregnant women sit on mats on the floor, with nothing to rest our backs on to practice breathing? I made the decision yesterday that I will NOT be in labour on the floor! Seriously I am eight months pregnant, I don't sit on floors very comfortably and instead of focusing on my breathing I was thinking about how my back hurt and my legs were getting cramped. At times I wanted to burst out in laughter...

Jay and I both experienced a wonderful case of the stomach flu last week. I commented that it was the first time we had two solid days at home together with no commitments in months... of course we spent it sleeping and puking so the qaulity was laking! I was so thankful that every time i woke up baby kicked me. I dranks as much water as I could and things seemed to be fine (no I didn't go to the doctor).

As for school it is hard to believe I have only two weeks and two days left with "my kids". I will have stuff to wrap up during Spring Break but these last two weeks with my students will fly by. We are working a ton of stuff right now so I don't leave stuff hanging when I leave.

Right now that is life: work, sleep, eat (and that I do a lot these days), think about baby, press repeat. Just the way it shoudl be right now! Change is just aroudn the corner!!

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