As the 17th week of this journey begins I realize how wonderful week 16 was! It started with hearing the heart beat and ended with four puke free days (in a row!!). I actually was even able to do dishes last night without the running to the bathroom bit!! I also "popped" and am definatley looking pregnant now! I also think Walnut said hello on Saturday by tickling me a couple of time. Not sure if it was the baby or something else but I am leaning towards the baby.
Because I have had a rough afternoon, complete with a stubborn student, and a splitting headache I am taking a couple minutes to think baby and go to my happy place!
Pregnancy Week 17
About the mommy:
Name: Sarah
Age: 28
Is this the first child?: yuppers!
About the daddy:
Name: Jay
Age: 27
Is this the first child?: See my answer above :)
Finding out:
What day did you find out you were pregnant?: August 8th, 2010, I know I said the 4th in an earlier post but the 8th is right!
How did you feel when you found out?: A little bit of shock, "really I am pregnant?", a whole lot of excitment "YAHOO", and a little bit of trepidation "you mean I will be responsible for raising a Godly, respectful, etc. human".
Who was with you?: Jay
How did the daddy react?: He wasn't really surprised, but excited for sure!
Telling the grandparents:
We told both sets together, we gave them picture frames with a wedding picture that Jay doctored to say "watch this space" over my stomach. The frames said something about Grandkids completing the circle of life.
How did you parents react?: Pretty excited!
How did his parents react?: yup excited too! June whipped out a shawl that Jay's grandmother had made years ago for Jay's baby and Jay's old baby blanket. I think both parents had an idea that this announcment was going to come sooner rather than later!
How often do they call to check on you?: i talk to my mom pretty often, and facebook messages out to everyone after doctor's appointments. Jima nd June talk to Jay often enough to know what is happening, I am sure as we get closer we will hear from everyone more and more.
About the pregnancy:
When is your due date?: April 10, 2011
How far along are you right now?: 17 weeks
Have you had an ultra sound?: Nope, not yet, but will on Nov. 25th
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes, last week, more to come!
Sex of the baby: Unknown
What do you want. Boy or Girl?: A healthy, happy, baby would be our prefrence, girl or boy doesn't matter! We won't find out until on or around April 10th.
About the birth:
Who is going to be with you?: Probably just my Jay, the nurse and hopefully (unlike my sister-in-law) the doctor!
Are you going to video tape it?:No, I can't imagine the birth being a very flattering time!
Natural or medicated?: I would like to go natural, but I am not going to be too hard on myself if drugs make it into the picture.
Do you think you will have a c-section?: hope not, but if needed then it might happen.
Do you think you will cry when you first hold your baby?: Hmmmm, maybe, I have no idea how I will react, seems too far away to even picture at this point!
Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold it?: Haven't thought about it yet, give me some time!
Are you scared about the labor?: Not really, I mean every mother before me has done it, I figure I can get through it too! Pretty sure it will hurt, but I am also pretty sure it is so worth it!
Do you have a name picked out?: Yup, if you know us you know the planners that we are, I think we had it narrowed down before we even knew for sure that we were pregnant!
Is your baby going to be named after anyone?: First names no, both middle names yes.
Did the daddy help pick the name?: That is like asking if he helped make the baby, of course he helped pick the names!
Other random questions:
Have you felt the baby move?: Not sure, but i think it said hello on Saturday, at least I am sticking to that story until proven otherwise!
What was your first symptom?: Nausea, seriously I was sick before I even found out I was pregnant!
What is the baby's room theme?: Orange, yellow, blue, and green dots, bright colors, black furniture... we have to move the comic books downstairs before we can put it all together but most of the pieces are already here!
Are you ready to be a mommy?: Yikes, big question! I am so looking forward to it, in fact have been for years! I also realize that being a mommy is something that you can do only so much to prepare for. I am not sure you can ever be "ready" for such an intense, all-consuming job.
What do you think the baby will be a "daddys girl/boy" or a "mommys girl/boy"?: Pretty sure it will end up being both. Daddy will be a pretty amazing daddy so I am sure that Walnut and him will have a pretty terrific relationship!