Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Little Starfish Who Sleeps By Himself!

Playing in the bubbles!

Blowing Bubbles (He doesn't quite get the idea that your lips need to be in the water)
  This past week was a busy one for Griffin and I. He had swimming lessons everyday. Some may say he is too young for swim lessons but my goals wasn't to have a swimming baby, but rather to get him used to the pool and be happy in the water (he already loves his baths). There are not many pool options out here and ublic swim times are packed and crazy so this was a greeat way to introduce him to the wonderful world of swimming. He LOVED it! On Monday he was a little unsure of it, but by the end of that lesson, and a few slide rides he was as happy as a clam, and almost threw a fit when it was time to leave. By Tuesday he was walking in on his own (holding my hand) and by Friday he refused my help in any way shape or form (which did result in a few face fulls of water). He officially passed Starfish!

Going down the slide all by himself! Daddy is on the side and mommy is at the bottom :)
My first ever "report card"!


My baby sleeps by himself!! We decided to bite the bullet and do a little but of crying it out so that Griffin would sleep alone rather than in my arms or in our bed. It took about 4 days of serious crying (think four hours per nap/night), they were brutal days and he was so sad... and then it happened he went into his crib, had a story and hugs and kisses, and without much crying (5 min or less) he is out! It is wonderful not to have to sit in the rocking chair for three hours for his afternoon nap! Our bed is all of a sudden bigger, and I can go to bed when I want (up until now I went to bed with him). It really is wonderful. Of course he sleeps sitting up, which is retty funny, but whatever works! There is a part that misses him at night, but I see him when he gets up between 12 and 1 (although we did have a full night sleep the other day). All in all I am so happy to have some down time, and I enjoy him so much when he is awake! Yeah Griffin!

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