Saturday, November 27, 2010

Half Way There!

We hit the half-way mark this week! With it we saw our baby for the first time. I know the baby is in there, he kicks and squirms, and let's me know he is there. But seeing him or her for the first time made it all that much more real. We saw the spine, the heart, the head and the feet, but avoided finding out if we have a little girl or little boy on the way. Jay was able to join me for the entire thing, he had a much better view of baby through the entire thing. We are hoping that this will be our only scan... the next time we see him or her might be on it's birthday!!


Anonymous said...

Haven't seen you since Corey's birthday, congrats and all and glad everything is going well. That night when I saw you I should have whispered, Are you Pregnant?, because I really had this feeling you were. Can hardly wait to see your baby!!

Hillary said...

so fun! congratulations on the half way mark! :) My sister is debating whether or not to find out the sex of their baby, but I'm hoping she doesn't... I love the suspense! :)
Hope you're doing well! Post more pictures soon! :)