Monday, December 14, 2009

When Time Races!

WOW!! As Jay reminded me this weekend, it has been over a month since my last update. A busy month!
I have taken up curling and for the last four weeks have been curling twice a week. Once in the ladies league, and once in lessons. Both with Jay. On Mondays and Wednesdays I haven't been home before nine, Jay and I usually go out for dinner or bring dinner and eat at the curling rink, going home just doesn't work. Although I am absolutely not good at curling, for the most part I am enjoying it.
We have made some trips to Winnipeg recently to get the Christmas shopping done. In fact, we celebrated Christmas with my immediate family just last weekend as we will be split up this year. Mom made turkey for dinner, we opened presents and played two LOUD games of Cranium (each gender winning one). Of course I always wonder if we disturb the neighbours, we Hayward's aren't known for our quietness!
With the last week of school upon us the practicing seems as though it has overtaken my life as my students prepare for the Christmas concert on Friday night. I always get a little nervous about how my students will do, and so my stress level is a little high, and patience a little low, this time of year is probably not my best.
Of course I keep looking forward to the Christmas concert being over, because that brings us to Christmas break! This year that means a night in MacGregor with Jay's family and then a night in the city before we fly south for 10 days! :) A real, warm, no pressure vacation! Every ounce of my being is craving warmth and time with my husband that is not scheduled and mapped out on a calendar! For ten blissful days we will shop, golf, read,hike, sleep, and relax with no schedule, no meetings, no 10+ hour work days, and no real demands on our time. Maybe that is selfish but my mind, body, soul and relationships need this time! I am very much looking forward to it! Dad will pick us up at the airport on Tuesday afternoon and I hope not to need a winter jacket until mom picks us up on New Years Eve! BRING ON THE WARMTH!!

1 comment:

Dayna said...

hope you can enjoy these last few days, christmas concert prep and all! and then i KNOW you'll enjoy the holiday. you and jay totally deserve it. have a wonderful time together!!!