Friday, October 12, 2007


It’s 11pm, and I just finished marking science, a couple of book reports ad some writing assessments. Tonight I had my “I have a ton to do and not enough time to do it” freak out. This usually happens at least every couple of months. Right now my list seems endless, my time limited… I guess that is how life goes. These freak-outs usually bring great things, I know it sounds weird but I get more done is stressed mode then I do in less busy times. I always blame it on adrenaline, but it probably also has to do with fear. It has been this way for as long as I remember. In my world there are other benefits of being crazy busy, I usually can predict when I will get sick (often the third day of Christmas break), and I don’t get sick during the craziness. So tonight my freak out ended in a plan: I am going to get extensions on my courses, spend a couple of hours twice a week working on them, write report cards on the last weekend of October, spend two hours more a week at work, make a list and post it so I can see progress and ask people around me for help. It means giving up some time with Jay, getting less sleep, and getting home later. I hate it when I have to give up things I like for things I don’t; but in the end my sanity is worth it!


Anonymous said...

In my experiance fear and adreniline are the same thing. That sounds like a good plan you have to get things done.Self dicipline is a life long challenge, I think. good luck with your list. Anything I can help with?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking time out of your weekend to be my driving partner! Vince thought I was totally crazy for driving so far for my clothes! But he's a guy and just doesn't understand the importance of having the right clothes to wear to a wedding...haha Have a good day and a good week! Love ya!

the fabulous four said...
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Anonymous said...

sounds like a good gameplan miss hayward kiwi! be sure to check out my new post with pictures of a renaissance fair, just like the one on gilmore girls. no joke! wish you had been there with me!