Saturday, June 23, 2007

My Parents

So last weekend, being Father’s Day, I had planned to write something in honour of my Dad, I procrastinated (Shocker!) so instead today (rather than finishing report cards) I have decided to write something about both my parents.
In all truthfulness my parents are pretty great parents. As a child I never really thought about how much they gave up for my brother and I, I thought that was what all parents did! There were many years that my dad’s vacation time involved spending a week at the PNE chaperoning 15 or so 4-H members, their weekends were taken up driving Joel, my sheep and I to various fairs, or functions. My hobbies became their hobbies, I wonder now if they had any time for the things they enjoyed, did dad golf much? This must be why mom went back to school when I was older and why she started to play the violin after I left home!
My parents raised me to be independent (or maybe just let me be that way), caring, out-going, and to value family and friends. They pushed me to my best in everything I tackled. They raised me to be self-confident and self-sufficient. Yet they never pushed their goals on me. I always knew I could become anything I want to, I wasn’t letting them down if I became a teacher or a vet… or whatever.
As I write all this let it also be known that my parents and I also had those teenage/parent conflicts. I believe I was an interesting creature from age 12-15, my poor mother! Looking back I now recognize that my mom was trying to teach me responsibility, and how we should live up to our promises when she wanted me to train my dog. That clean room she wanted me to have is still a bit of a stretch, but I do get where she was coming from.
I often joke that my parents moved out of the house when I was 15 (there is truth to this). It wasn’t the easiest time for any of us (cancer does that), but what I discovered is that in these crazy years (1997/1998/1999) is that family is hugely important. Through these years there were many moments when friends would say things like” I hate my parents” (we were just teenagers) and I would wish and pray that two months from then I would still have both parents. It was around this time I began to realize how important my parents were in my life, and how wonderful of parents they were/are!
I don’t live at home but I know that if my car needs an oil change Dad will have it done for me. I also still know I have a place to crash (even if it is a couch) when I go to the city for the weekend, even if they don’t get to see me while I am there! My parents are not only my parents now, but also my friends.
I know my mom reads this so:
Thanks mom for being a great parent! Oh and pass that on to dad too!
I can only hope that when I become a mom I can parent my children as well as they parented me!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


No excuses, I am a blog slacker!
Here is an update; it’s apparently a long time coming!
I had a wonderful trip to Smithers a couple of weeks ago. My cousin Jessica got married (to Ben). It was wonderful to take a couple of days off and fly out there for four days. There was lots of family there that I hadn’t seen in quite some time so it was nice to see them and catch up. Smithers is in B.C. and is surrounded by the mountains, it was amazing! Check out these pictures!

The view from our hike!

Ben and Jessica at the Wedding

Grandma in Matt's (my cousin) Porche!

Ben and Jessica

Since my Smithers trip school has been busy! As always June is a little crazy, the wonderful thing is that it is June and there are not many days left until my summer begins!

Two weekends ago I had my first experience with ticks! YUCK! Jay and I went hiking at Hecla, it was a beautiful day! I got one tick, which is a first for me. Jay however had 12ish! Apparently they like to hide in socks! Yeah for sandals!

Last weekend Jay and I went to his parents’ house. We haven’t spent much time with them since we have been together so it was time to do that. The weekend was good.

When I got home on Sunday I found out my mom and grandpa were in a rather bad car accident. Mom is okay-ish, grandpa has a cracked vertebra. Makes me more nervous to drive, and I actually drove home at pretty much the speed limit, which is not usually the case!

So there is an update on what has been happening in life, my goal is to update more often, but we will see. Maybe I should spend less time on facebook!~S
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