Sunday, April 22, 2007

I Hate Sunday Nights!

In the last six months I have learned to hate Sunday nights! Some people don’t like Sunday nights because they know Monday is coming, usually that means back to work. Although I don’t enjoy the alarm clock on Monday morning, it isn’t the getting back to work that makes me hate Sunday nights. Instead it is the fact that most Sunday nights one of us (Jay or I) gets to drive the two hours between our houses. It means this weeks’ goodbye has come and gone. It means we will spend a couple of hours (if we are lucky) speaking by phone over the next five or six days. I know that is could be worse, there could be no weekends together at all, but I have decided I am entitled to a little sadness on Sunday nights.

This weekend the two-hour drive belonged to Jay. He came up Saturday evening (after his youth groups' 30 hour famine). On Friday evening I spent a couple of hours at Hecla. I enjoyed sitting in the sun on the boardwalk, watching the birds, and seeing my first butterfly of the season. I read and wrote and just had some Sarah and God time. I was surprised to still see ice on the lake, but the weather was wonderful. I then enjoyed a movie (The Holiday) with Dayna, not a bad movie! I got a great Gilmore Girls Fix on Saturday morning. I haven’t watched GG in a while and I had some time to kill so I enjoyed that and a great big cup of coffee in the morning. The rest of the weekend past in a blur of Carcassonne (a board game), College and Career, more Carcassonne, visiting with friends, and watching (okay in my case sleeping) through movies!! All and all a great weekend.
Now if only the Flames would win to cap it all off!!

Pray for Ramona and Earl as Ramona has surgery tomorrow (Monday). See their blog for all the details (there is a link on the right!).

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Week Is Over!!

The week is finally over… it has been one long week!
This week felt long for a variety of reasons. First it was report card and Parent-Teacher interview week. Luckily my reports cards were mostly done long before Monday, but no matter how early they get done there is always a little apprehension sending report cards home. If only students knew how much teachers love to send home glowing report cards and hate disappointing students and parents with not so stellar report cards!
The week was also one that stretched me in my job… I was given the opportunity to grow in communication skills and I was stretched in regards to leadership and conflict. It was a good situation for growth.
It seems like forever since I have really talked to friends and loved ones. Usually my weeks fly by, and I wish I had a little more time with my students, and a little more time to get things done. This week I feel like it would have been wonderful if it ended days ago! I am looking forward to a very quiet weekend at home. It will include watching movies and hockey, finishing my quilt, and maybe sleeping in!
I decided to steal the THREE BEAUTIFUL THINGS idea from Dayna and Lindsey, what a wonderful idea. Here are my three beautiful things for today:
1) When we went for lunch in town today (it was an admin day) it smelled like it had just stopped raining. You know that fresh, earthy smell; I love it! It makes me really believe that spring is here!
2) I had the time to create a bulletin board for my classroom, one of those things that falls by the wayside when things get busy. Now I can put up important terms and definitions about the Earth’s Crust!
3) Spinach salad, yup spinach salad is beautiful! Especially when it has red peppers (I have eaten two and a half of those wonderful things this week!), tomatoes and Italian dressing on it. YUMMY!

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

When Do We Become Adults?

So I have ranted to a few people today… but I am going to continue to rant!
So here is the issue: I was recently invited to a wedding, but the invitation was addressed to my parents, brother, and I (and sent to my parents house). This irks me; I am an adult, I live away from my parents (and have for many years), and I feel like I should be getting my own invitations to weddings. Really the question is when does someone become an adult, and get treated like an adult? Would I have gotten my own invitation if I were married? If I had children? If I was 40 and still single? In all cases I would think so! So why, at 25 and not married, does it make it okay to send invitations to my parents? Grrrr!! I will leave my rant at that!