Friday, July 20, 2007

And Summer takes a turn...

Yes summer has taken a turn, yesterday around 7am , my Grandpa Ducks (Hayward) passed away. He was rushed to hospital on Wednesday and on Thursday morning, with mom and dad at his side he passed away, just the way he wanted it. The death seems sudden, and yet not, he was sick, and so we new it would happen eventually, we are all taken a little bit by surprised at how fast it happened. I was so glad that I was already on my way to Winnipeg on Wednesday night when mom called me. I was here as my family said goodbye and was a part of it. All in all the family is doing okay, their have been tears, and memories shared.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Yup summer is here, and that makes me super excited! I love summer, I love the heat (maybe because I am often cold), I love the carefree lifestyle that summer brings, I love camp... oh summer is wonderful!
Of course summer also means that I am not "working" and thus have some free time on my hands. School finished in a rush and sometimes it doesn't feel like it really is done for the year. I guess on of these days the feeling of freedom will set in! Although in some ways I already want to be back in the classroom, it is getting painted and cleaned so I am excited to get in there and reorganize my space! Plus, I already have new ideas for next year and I just want to start planning!
My first real week of summer was spent at BCBC. It was a long week, with plenty of highlights and lowpoints, but all in all it was a positive week. I can only pray for staff and campers now, as I am not returing this summer. I am sure God will do great things through camp in the next four weeks!
This week I have spent recovering (from school and from camp). Jay has this week off, which means we have been spending time together, and with friends. A nice change to the craziness that was life in the last couple of weeks. This week will come to an end (probably before I want it to!), after that it will be back and forth between Mennville and Winnipeg (and maybe the cottage :) ). I have my courses to get into and planning to do! It appears that summer is never long enough!