Friday, August 12, 2011


Love consumes me these days, I just love my Little Bear! A couple of days a week I end up napping with Griffin, he gets an AWESOME sleep cuddled next to me, and I usually get in a good nap too (yes, this is partly to blame for why he won’t sleep alone during the day ). When he stirs he ends up nursing and falling back asleep, so today he had a four hour nap! Today I was tired but couldn’t sleep, so I enjoyed reading my book and staring and the cutest baby in the world (yes, I am biased!). As we were lying there I was thinking about how much I love him, and how easy it was/is to fall in love with him. He really is my world these days! The real truth is that no matter how rough the day (and sometimes they are rough), how little sleep I get, or how many diapers I change each and every day begins and ends in love (and has a whole lot of love sprinkled in between)!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

What A Difference A Year Makes!!

A year ago today we found out we were pregnant. We were so excited!!

A year later I have a rolling, laughing, smiling, "talking", and amazing baby boy! He is now joining us at the supper table in his high chair. He is growing so fast!